Burn & Robinson No.00

Unfortunately, I can’t say I know much about this lantern. I haven’t seen any old documentation, ads or illustrations of it. What I do know is it has the characteristic B&R bail attachments, and the 1887 ‘safety lock’ burner attachment. Evidence puts this as a Burn & Robinson 00 lantern circa 1887-1890.

The most interesting part of this lantern is the globe and fount. I have had two of these 00’s and both of them came with a globe marked J.H. Stone. In addition, the fount is a J.H. Stone designed fount. My theory is that B&R had the tooling left over for Stone’s lanterns after he sold the business to them in 1885, and using parts from his tooling and their new lantern designs they came up with this lantern. Since Stone still held the patents for his lanterns, they could not use his designs, so they took what parts they had and made their own.

Whatever the history is, it’s resulted in quite a neat little lantern.

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