Rubber Crystal Globes​

Rubber Crystal is name E.T. Wright gave to their tubular cold blast globes. Tough as rubber, clear as crystal. I can vouch for the crystal part of the name, but the rubber claim I don’t feel like testing out. The  name appears to have started just before the 1900s, and carried right through until the late 1920s, or even until E.T. Wright closed. Every cold blast E.T. Wright sold had one of these globes, plus they also sold the globes wholesale as replacement globes a person could buy without a lantern. As such, it’s common to find these globes in non E.T. Wright lanterns too.

Rubber Crystal Globes have a rather unique shape for cold blast globes, a rather fat looking shape, and a lip at the top, much like a No.0 hot blast globe. This unique designcertainly stands out against other cold blast globes.

No.2 Reg. 1900

Supposedly, E.T. Wright put numbers at the top of their globes, indicating which model lantern the globe was in. That’s at least according to E.T. Wright advertising, I’ve only seen globes with a 2 at the top however, so until I see others I’m not entirely sure if that’s true or not. Most globes have registered dates on them, either 1900 or 1908, so you can date to a certain degree a globe based off that.

Reg 1908

This globe is a it odd compared to the more common Reg. 1908 version. The working is spread out wider, and a different font than normal. E.T. Wright made so many of these globes my guess is this is just a different mold.

Reg 1908

This is the most common Rubber Crystal globe out there. The lettering is quite close to each other and smaller.Usually these globes have a strong casting on them, making the words really easy to see.

Reg 1908 Dominion Glass

Another Slight Oddity, This globe was made by Dominion Glass on their Domco Owens mold. Domco Owens was a collaboration between Owens Corning and Dominion Glass Co., specifically for lantern globes. The Domco Owens Globes have a similar shape to Rubber Crystal globes, and a top lip too. The difference is the top lip has a ‘sharp’ edge and flat top, compared to the rounded lip found on Wright made globes.

Short Globe Rubber Crystal

In 1913 with the advent of the short globe, E.T. Wright began making the Short Rubber Crystal globe. The shape of these globes are identical with other short globes. Sadly the era of unique globe shapes ended with the short globe.

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