Home » Tubular Lanterns » J.H. Stone & Co. » 1873-1875 Stone’s Short Tubular
1873-1875 Stone’s Short Tubular
This is the first model made by J.H. Stone & Co., also the first Stone’s Short Tubular as well. For its time, this lantern was well ahead of the American competitors, the tubes are wider, fount is at least 3x as large, and has holes below the burner to allow fresh air in to make the lantern burn bright. The corners of this lantern are ‘coffin corners’, as collectors say. The tubes are actually one long piece, however cut to form the corners, the lower corners also have an additional strengthening piece. The globe is unmarked, however, it has the same fat shape, and small upper lip of all the J.H. Stone marked globes I’ve seen, so I believe it is the original globe to the lantern, but predates Stone marked globes.
Interestingly, this lantern has a fuel spout. A fuel spout wouldn’t be on Stone lanterns, or many other lanterns for at least another 10 years. After some discussion, another collector and I figured this was a later retrofit, likely done in the later 1880s. It is done excellently, unlike some other fuel spout additions. This lantern also has a unique globe plate, it is made of tiny perforated holes across the whole piece of metal. Other globe plates often have large holes only along the bottom. This must have been a cheaper option for Stone, as he was still starting his business. Unfortunately, the metal has ripped due to the design, much like a stamp.
This lantern is truly a great piece of Canadian history.